Despite numerous efforts by the government to uplift the conditions for marginalised communities, sanitation facilities remain a challenge. Many public areas do not have toilet facilities and individuals are forced to use whatever spaces they can find to eliminate waste. In informal settlements, there could be up to seven households sharing one toilet. This could mean up to 35 individuals to one toilet. Sanitation is a basic human right and it is evident that societies who have access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene have a vastly improved quality of life.
Furthermore, there are some communities who have no toilets at all and individuals are defecating in rivers and fields. Broken toilets and blocked pipes lead to sewage leakage that seeps throughout the settlement, bringing disease and stench and attracting vermin and flies. Children end up playing in the sewage and getting sick.
We aim to work with the government to secure funding to build and maintain safe, hygienic, and environmentally friendly toilets that replicate the Sulabh International model adapted to the context of SA.
Many public areas in South Africa, such as transport and tourist hubs, do not have adequate toilet facilities. This leads to individuals defecating and urinating in nooks and crannies where they can find a private space, leading to pollution and unhygienic conditions. It is extremely uncomfortable to have a full bladder or an urge to defecate and then undertake a journey that could take up to an hour.
We are, therefore, committed to working with the government to provide safe, hygienic, and environmentally friendly toilet facilities at sites that accommodate a high volume of people. The most sustainable solution for such areas is a pay-to-use model that has been successfully implemented in India. This model ensures that the minimum usage fee contributes towards the upkeep of the facility so that it does not become a financial burden to any organisation and does not fall into ill repair once again. The fees are also used to create employment for individuals to work at the facility keeping it safe and secure.
Building one or more toilet facilities in deep rural communities where there is no access to municipal water. These toilets can serve one or two households in the community and provide the opportunity for community members to defecate and urinate in private and ensure their waste is disposed of in a way that provides composting for gardens and does not pollute water sources.
‘You will never solve poverty without solving health and sanitation.’ —Nivesh Raj
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